Saturday, 2 August 2014

Malaysia: AIA Public Takaful launches A-LifeLink-i

KUALA LUMPUR: AIA Public Takaful Bhd has introduced A-LifeLink-i, a syariah solution that protects as well as creates savings via syariah-compliant investment funds.
A-LifeLink-i is a regular contribution investment-linked takaful plan that covers death as well as total and permanent disability up to the age of 100. The basic plan can be combined with 13 optional riders to provide additional protection for critical illness, medical needs and accidents.
AIA Public CEO Wan Azman Wan Mamat said the plan is for customers who seek syariah solution protection and allowing them to meet their financial goals with Islamic investment instruments.
A-LifeLink-i is provides an automatic increase of 1% of the sum covered each year, starting from the second anniversary of the certificate year. This automatic increase in coverage at no extra charge will continue until the plan reaches 120% of the initial sum covered. Customers who opt to attach the critical illness rider A-Plus CriticalCare-i with the basic plan will also enjoy an increasing sum covered for this rider.
A-LifeLink-i also offers a medical card rider, A-Plus Med-i, which comes with a swipe card facility to ease the hospital admission and discharge process. This medical card also provides medical and hospitalisation coverage without co-takaful and allows customers to extend coverage to their spouse and up to four children with no lifetime limit.
"With A-LifeLink-i, customers can enjoy flexibility in managing these needs, while working towards achieving their goals in life. They can save more when they have extra money or chose to withdraw their savings should the need arise. They can also choose to switch their funds according to their risk tolerance level," Wan Azman explained.
(The Sun daily / 31 July 2014)
Alfalah Consulting - Kuala Lumpur:
Islamic Investment Malaysia:

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